Q) How much does it cost for the Breakfast and After School Clubs and what are the opening hours?
A) Breakfast club runs from 7:45am till 8.45am and costs £3.25. After school club runs from the end of school till 6pm and costs £3.25 per hour. We still open until 6pm when the school finishes at 2pm at the end of term and charge accordingly.
Q) Does my child have to attend ever day?
A) No, we are very flexible and offer child care to suit parent's needs or just to give your child a treat! We can also take children over to the school disco after providing them with tea and the opportunity to change into their party clothes.
Q) Can I put my child into the club whilst my other child/ren attends a school run club?
A) Yes, they can attend before and after school saving parents making two trips to school.
Q) How can I contact the Funtastic Club?
A) Our email address is funtastic.club@gmail.com for general enquiries but if it is more urgent it is best to send a text to 07964540067. Alternatively, call in and see us in the club.
Q) What notice do I need to give when booking or cancelling a place?
A) We require 48 hours notice for both. For cancelling late, the full fee will stand and in the case of late booking, an extra charge of £1 will be incurred.
Q) What if my child is sick?
A) Please send a text informing the club. Unfortunately, the fee will still stand unless the required notice has been given. This is because a place has already been allocated and provisions made to include your child's care.
Q) Can I put my child in the Funtastic Club at short notice, in case of emergencies?
A) Providing we have spaces available we are able to take children at short notice but obviously would prefer as much notice as possible. The late booking charge will also apply. You will need to inform the school so the child's teacher is aware.
Q) Can I spread payments?
A) Whilst we prefer people to pay the whole half term in advance, we can be flexible when parents find it a struggle. Payments can be made weekly/monthly preferably by cheque or paid into the bank or by childcare vouchers (if your employer offers them) but should always be in advance of the child attending the club.